Sunday, September 10, 2006


I decided to get out of my comfort zone this weekend. On the invitation of my coworker, Hila, we went to The Gatsby with her husband and some of her friends. The Gatsby is a 1920's - 1940's costume party held in Oakland every year.

I don't really enjoy putting on costumes, and I have never been into role playing, so I already knew it wasn't going to be my schpiel. When I went to Renaissance Faire in college, I had a lot of fun, but I couldn't imagine spewing old English to passersby every day on my summer vacation like some of the youngsters I saw there. However, Hila showed me some tantalizing pictures from the Gatsby website (see below for some sample images). Furthermore, we had a lot of fun thrift store shopping for a vintage hat during lunch. After some coworkers and I helped Hila select a florid pink hat, and a pink silk flapper dress, I decided that I didn't want to miss out on the all the fun of dressing-up and shopping for vintage, so I took a leap and tried it.

The Gatsby:

Upon arrival, the Gatsby was just as elegant as it was in the photographs. Beautifully renovated, priceless vintage autos laid out on the perfectly manicured green grass. Ladies, all got up in marcel curls, gorgeous silk gowns and jaunty hats strolled the grounds with champagne glasses in hand. People laid out extravagant picnics, gorgeously laid out with roses, vintage china, and finger foods. All in all I was very glad to have come. And it made ever the more thankful to come home and hang out with the Beh :)

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