Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Honeymoon Scuba Destination Decision Matrix

I am going around and around in circles with my honeymoon planning process. Where, oh where, are we going to go? I really want to have a honeymoon focussed on scuba-diving. Also, the destination should have a certain panache, not a run-of-the-mill vacation spot. It shouldn't be that hard, right?

Well, when I calculate the true costs of travelling, I found myself making compromises. For instance, instead of booking an expensive liveaboard trip which will certainly maximize our scuba diving dollar, I was contemplating a land-based option... I was beginning to lose track of the true vision of what I had wanted as my once-in-a-lifetime vacation. So, in order to refresh my memory on my original goals, I am posting my original decision matrix from 2 years ago. (Bear in mind, that this decision matrix was about places that I wanted to travel to two years ago, not honeymoon destinations. I don't think THAT far in advance.)

In the table below, I have posted some potential dive destinations in order of my desire to visit them from two years ago. The more desirable the destination, the lower the score.

In the table below, I have posted the same group of potential dive destinations, except this time, sorted in order of Price/Proximity. The higher the cost of travelling there, and the farther the destination, the lower the score. I find that the Price/Proximity score is somewhat related to that "panache" factor.

Finally, when I multiply the score together, you get the combination of ideal vacation spots:

The above table shows that my top 3 destinations (at least from 2 years ago) are:
  1. Galapagos, tied with Fiji/Tahiti/Micronesia
  2. Great Barrier Reef

This is still consistent with my current honeymoon goals of going to Palau and Yap.

What this also tells me is if I wanted to reduce the price of our honeymoon, I could aim for the dive destinations in the middle of the list:

  1. Thailand/Philippines/Indonesia
  2. Cayman Islands
  3. Baja California (Cozumel was eliminated because we went there last year)

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