Saturday, May 01, 2010

8th day: Fiji Honeymoon

Dive #180: John's Tunnel
Mina: 54', 0:54 min
Mark: 69', 0:52 min
Spotted Unicornfish
Seru spotted a Brown Banded Pipe fish
Black spotted puffer (Fish that looks like a harbor seal)
Black sweet lips

Surface snorkeling interval
12 anemone fish and a black Dascyllus fish

Dive #181: Golden Arches:
Mina: 65', 1:05 min.
Mark: 64', 1:04 min.

Golden sea fans under a large arch
Schooling Spotted Unicornfish
Humpback Unicornfish
Three-spot Dascyllus
Grouper with trailing tail
Orange spine unicorn fish
Scalefin Anthia Fuschia anthia with spine on head
Small black and white reef fish
Longnose Tang
Giant clam that Mark took video of

-- Post From My iPhone

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