Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Smooth Diving with Blue Water Aquatics

(Photo by Doug Swalen)
When my friend, Kurt told me he was planning on going diving with Blue Water Aquatics Sunday, I decided I had to risk potential death and dismemberment, and go diving with my friend (hyperbole inserted for entertainment value). Every time I go diving with Blue Water Aquatics, it seems, there has been some sort of  boat malfunction, diver malfunction, or both.

Well, there were no malfunctions this time around. The ocean was was as flat as a pancake. Also, Kevin and Randy had made some changes. There were no newbie divers allowed on their dive boats any more. This was a good change. Everyone on Kevin's boat this time, it seemed, was a divemaster-in-training and up. Everyone was as cool as a cucumber, even while gearing up. The dives proceeded like clockwork.

Also, due to the calm weather, we had a chance to dive Granite Point Pinnacles at Point Lobos. I have never dove here before because conditions never allowed it. This area is usually overrun with high swells and white water. Now that I've dove here, the underwater topography, I can say, is full of interesting channels and canyons at 40' deep and more. Also, this area is dominated by tall bull kelp, instead of the usual, more slender giant kelp populating other areas of Point Lobos. (This is perhaps due to bull kelp's greater resilience to storm conditions.)
(Photo by Doug Swalen)

After the dives, we had a good meal with Kevin and 5 divers at Rio Grill in Carmel. We chatted about old times, and gossiped about people not present. Kevin, being Kevin, spoke at length about all the cool scuba courses he has on offer. I was so tempted to take his wreck diving course, and go wreck diving on the Yukon in September with his crew (unfortunately I will be out of town at that time). If I was smart, I would suspect him of selling me classes. Kevin, can you enjoy a meal without having to sell stuff?

Dive #188: Great Pinnacle, Point Lobos State Park
  • Depth: 71' 
  • Time: 35 minutes
  • Temperature: 49 deg F
  • Visibility: 15' at the top, opening up to 25' visibility at depths below 70' 
  • Dive Buddy: Doug Swalen 
  • Weight worn: 15 lbs total (1 lb on ankles, 10 on weight belt, 4 in BCD). I adjusted my weight belt weights to the front, but this did not prevent me from turtleing whenever I tried to stay vertical. Next time, I may try redistributing my weight to 12 on weight belt, and 4 in BCD. 
  • Observations: Lots of egg yolk jellies floating in dark green pea soup. I saw an egg yolk jelly with a still struggling fish entrapped in its tentacles. I saw kelp greenlings, olive rockfish, gopher rockfish, orange sea cucumbers, and a large decorator crab. 
Dive #189: Granite Point Pinnacles, Point Lobos State Park
  • Depth: 61'
  • Time: 46 minutes
  • Temperature: 49 deg F
  • Visibility: 25', but water was greenish 
  • Dive Buddy: Doug Swalen 
  • Weight worn: 15 lbs total (1 lb on ankles, 10 on weight belt, 4 in BCD). I adjusted my weight belt weights to the front, but this did not prevent me from turtling whenever I tried to stay vertical. Next time, I may try redistributing my weight to 12 on weight belt, and 4 in BCD. 
  • Observations: We saw a 2' large cabezon, whose head was as big as a watermelon. Gorgeous strawberry anemones and blue rockfish. Lots of painted greenlings. 
Me, on the Great Pinnacle (photo by Doug Swalen)
General comment: Diving without my husband, Mark, can be so freeing! I didn't have to wait for Mr. Slow Poke to get ready. Also, I didn't have to move a mountain of scuba gear. I was literally ready to go in 15 minutes, and I enjoyed myself more and was more at ease. I can't wait to go diving again.

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