Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My "go-to" list of things to do to feel better when you're down

Here's my "go-to" list of things I can do when I want to feel better.  We all feel down on occasion.  It's a powerful tool to have as many as 27 things to fall back on when I need a quick pick me up.

1. Go for a walk outside.
2. Talk to a sympathetic friend.
3. Do a task you have been procrastinating doing.
4. Sit in the sun.
5. Reach out to someone you've been meaning to contact, but haven't.
6. Think grateful thoughts.
7. Breathe deeply.
8. Exercise.
9. Take a shower.
10. Write down your thoughts.
11. Plan for the future, especially travel planning.
12. Read a motivational book.
13. Smile and beam positivity.
14. Relax my muscles through stretching or massage.
15. Enjoy my husband's company.
16. Call Mom.
17. Receiving encouragement.
18. Think of things you've defeated in the past through great effort.
19. Brainstorming new business ideas.
20. Get excited about a new idea or project.
21. Dancing to good music.
22. Seeing someone else suffering, and feeling not so alone in despair.
23. Cooking.
24. Writing and blogging.
25. Laughing really loudly.
26. Appreciating something beautiful, and appreciating that you can.
27. Being vulnerable in front of those you love.

Some more ways to feel better:

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