Tuesday, April 27, 2010

1st Day: Enroute to Fiji

I write this as we fly over the middle of the Pacific Ocean on our way to Fiji. The plane interior is dark. The outside is jet black, all except for the brightest stars I've ever seen in my life. In between those stars are countless more tiny stars, all of which tell me, we are not in Kansas anymore.

By the time we land in Fiji, we will have spent 13 hours on a plane, and four hours in various airports. I spent the first couple of hours at San Francisco International Airport decompressing from work from the previous week. While at the gate waiting for our plane to depart, I sprang off last minute e-mails and text messages to members at work. It is difficult to leave the pace of the Silicon Valley behind.

Right now, I am feeling rumpled and not very glamorous given that we're supposed to be on our exotic honeymoon. It is hard to shake off the adrenaline from the past week at work, and perhaps that explains the anxiety that I feel.

There were many highs and lows going into our trip, especially when Mark discovered his passport was missing the night before we were supposed to leave. We managed to postpone the trip while we spent those extra days acquiring a new passport. Those extra days I spent at work were some of my more heroic moments. I swept in, made some last minute discoveries, and was generally such a big help that management admitted to being glad to have benefited from my passport demise. At least Mark has his passport this time, expedited over this past week at great expense.

At this same moment I have been wondering: why am I here and at such great expense? When will I be happy? Scuba diving vacations cost a lot more than regular vacations. For the same amount of money that I have spent on our resort stay alone, I could have bought an entire package to Egypt, including airfare. These moments of questioning, however, are interspersed with moments of pure glee as, I look over at Mark and we grin conspiratorially. Mark and I are finally going on our much needed tropical vacation.

-- Post From My iPhone

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