Monday, April 12, 2010

How I Spent My Birthday and Other Tales

Writing about what you did for your birthday in February when it is already April is quite belated. But, as I am waiting at the post office with nothing better to do, here goes.

One of my New Year's resolutions this year was to organize more outings for friends. In my old age I had been getting quite dusty and boring.

It had also been a long time since I had gone skiing. The last time I went skiing, actually, was when I had been young and carefree. So, I thought what better excuse than to go skiing for my birthday to make believe that I was still young? It made perfect sense to me.

There are some benefits to being older, and mainly that is having more money. The cabin I rented was the bomb. Sitting along the lake with all of the other multiple-million dollar houses, the chalet we rented was meant for living the good life. Upon arrival, we quickly made ourselves comfortable in front of the fire and poured ourselves a couple of glasses of wine in our lofted living room.

The following morning, we went snowboarding. We hooked up with some friends of mine from Abbott, my friend, Valerie, and her boyfriend, Murph. Together, with Mark, Marcio and Sharon, we tore it up on the slopes. There were some pretty skilled skiiers and snowboarders in our midst, so the pace was really pushed. It was continual skiing from the top of the chair lift to the bottom without stopping to catch our breath. I love it that my friends push me to my limit. I am also proud to be in the company of such strong women snowboarders. We aren't in our limber 20s anymore either. To summarize, it was really fun.

In other news related to my birthday and getting older in general, I wanted to remark how many of my friends our now having babies. Accompanying the increasing brood comes buying the obligatory larger and better house in the perfect school district.

And then there is me.

I would rather play violent first person shooter video games than attend another baby shower. I am more interested in my fantasy world full of haute couture fashion and thinking about my next travel excursion than entertaining the thought of growing a family. I would rather practice shooting at the gun range with my coworkers than share notes about child rearing. Perhaps I will never grow old, at least not in my heart.

-- Post From My iPhone

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