Thursday, April 29, 2010

7th Day: More Small Group Diving

Dive# 178: Three Thieves
Mina: 72', 1:16 min.
Mark: 72', 1:14 min.
-this is one of favorite dives in Fiji. We were treated to a duet of lionfish swimming out in the open, and a pair of ribbon eels
-for some reason I went into deco, which explains why I had such a long dive. I was doing a deco stop at the top of the bommie. Mark rolled his eyes and stayed behind.

Dive #179: Seven Sisters
Mina: 63', 0:56 min.
Mark: 62', 0:54 min.
Missy plays volleyball with a giant sand dollar the size of a beachball

After diving, I got a 90 minute massage at the spa by the beach which was wonderful. Later on, we experience an evening of Fijian dancing and singing. What a treat.

-- Post From My iPhone

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