Friday, January 01, 2010

2010 New Year's Resolutions

1. Watch less TV, play less video games, surf the internet less. Generally, get my butt off the sofa more.

2. Stretch my lower back and shoulder more. These spots are giving me grief.

3. Continue to make exercise a habit.

4. Begin to think about what it means to grow older and come to terms with it. These are one of the things I fear the most -- getting older, and being perceived as old. Thank goodness I don't look any age at all with my asian face.

5. Continue with my spiritual and psychological development.

6. Take better care of my skin.

7. Do new things. Plan more events with friends.

8. Dare I say it? Travel more? Will it happen with my dwindled finances and few vacation days?

9. Continue to acquire a stylish wardrobe!

10. Survive work in 2010 with my sanity intact, which promises to be the make or break year

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