Sunday, October 28, 2007

Darjeeling Limited - A Movie Review

I wanted to write a very positive review of a movie I just saw with a couple of friends this past Friday night, Darjeeling Limited.

Darjeeling Limited is a Wes Anderson film. Wes Anderson is the quirky director behind the "Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou", and "The Royal Tennenbaums", among others. Darjeeling Limited is like many of Wes Anderson's other films in that it has beautiful art direction and quirky characters.

There really isn't a classic story behind this movie. The movie feels more like a journey, one that takes place on a train called, the Darjeeling Limited. Three brothers, Francis (played by Owen Wilson), Jack (Jason Schwartzmann) and Peter (Adrien Brody) are going on a spiritual journey through Northern India in the wake of their father's funeral. Each brother is tortured or emotionally maimed in one way or the other. Jack is trying to escape his former girlfriend (played by Natalie Portman) by flying to far-flung places of the earth. Francis, has just had a horrific accident that has destroyed his face. The accident itself is never portrayed in the film, however, the implication is that Francis has been suicidal since his Dad's death. Peter, is on this trip in order to escape his wife, who is 7 months pregnant. Although he thinks he loves her, he is clearly detached from his wife.
This film was enjoyable for its whimsy, its comedy, and its style. An example of the movie's whimsy is its unique structure. Before the film starts is a short 15 minute short called "Hotel Chevalier". This is the prequel to the main film, and sets up the background of one of the brothers.
The film was much funnier than Anderson's other films. Owen Wilson is especially funny as the oldest brother who micromanages his younger siblings every moment, from what food to order at each meal, to what to meditate about during prayers.
Finally, the fashion in this film was a feast for the eyes. If there is a single reason to watch this film, it would be for the fashion. The three brothers are completely outfitted in Marc Jacobs, the designer behind the Louis Vuitton fashion house. Striking a particularly stylish figure is Adrien Brody (see above) complete with gray suit, mod hairdo, and oh-so-courant big-eye sun glasses. The opening scene of the film is particularly striking with Adrien Brody running in slow-motion to catch the train, his suit flying behind him, and burdened with custom Louis Vuitton luggage, designed specifically for the film (see above). I am hardly a fan of LV luggage and purses, in fact I make a point of making fun of people who don the distinctive purse line. However, this animal print luggage, almost a main character in this film, was absolutely gorgeous.

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