Friday, April 02, 2010

Relaxing Day off from Work (sent fromy phone)

This is the first time I'm attempting to blog from my cell phone, so this blog entry will probably be a little terse. I'm still trying to get used to the new keyboard.

Just wanted to say that I had the day off from work and it couldn't have come any sooner. Work has been difficult his past week. None of my experiments have worked out and I had a dreaded heart-to-heart with the boss that left me in a slump for a few days.

At the last minute I met up with a couple of friends who so happens also had the day off from work. We had a good time shopping, browsing stores and chatting over coffee. Rather than being super active, ie scuba diving, iskiing, or doing something new that I was interested in doing in order to take advantage of the rare day off from work, it made me so happy to spend quality time with friends and have some interesting and intelligent conversation. In a nutshell, sometimes it is good simply to be in the company of people you like.

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