Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bumper Cars, except in the Ocean

Dive #183: Blue Fish Cove, Point Lobos, Carmel, CA

Went out on Kevin's boat at Point Lobos. We had to haul Randy's zodiac out to the dive site because his engine didn't work. That was great timing, because there were supposed to be storm threshold waves that day. It was all pretty amusing, especially on the trip back. The rope length had a strange resonance frequency with the waves because every few waves, Randy's boat would surf down a wave and come crashing into the back of ours. It was like bumper cars, except in the ocean. I was laughing, and muttering "oh shit" at the same time. Why is it that everytime I go out on a zodiac at Point Lobos, I feel like I could die? Randy was taking video the entire time.

*2 huge white nudibranchs (Discodoris ap. 2) intending to mate. A brittlestar was nearby
*Dendrinotus albus nudibranch
*Vermilion rockfish
*Lots of beautiful anemone
*the dive was as beautiful as some divesites in Fiji, in my opinion
*17 lbs of lead (6 on weight belt, 10 on bcd, 1 on feet)

Dive #184: Mouth of Whaler's Cove, Point Lobos, Carmel, CA

Scary, scary dive. I kept thinking a Great White Shark could sneak up on me, but had to reassure myself that they don't like to swim through kelp. And there was a lot of kelp, more than I've ever seen before.

*2 foot rockfish - I've only seen another that size once before. This one was probably decades old.
*Purple cabezon with the head the size of a grapefruit, perfectly camouflaged against a backdrop of purple rock.

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