Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Gratefulness Journal, 25/Feb/08

I am keeping a gratefulness journal, because sometimes, I gotta stop and smell the roses.

Today, I am grateful that:

(1) I get to laugh at, and with, my fiance... almost like clockwork every morning when I awake, and every evening after work.
(2) Today was a glorious, sunny day. I was even sweating a little in my t-shirt dress.
(3) I am grateful for the chirpiness of my yoga instructor today during yoga class.
(4) That life is not boring, and is actually a bit stressful lately.
(5) That I am appreciated at work enough to land an interesting project.
(6) I love my Mini Cooper convertible, and the reaction that it received today on the street, with my CD player at full blast.
(7) I had a couple of cups of really good unsweetened Chai tea at the yoga studio.

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