Sunday, March 02, 2008

Gratefulness Journal, 2/Mar/2008

Tomorrow will be my last day of work. Everything that I am living through is being seen through that prism. In a way, everything seems more vivid. Today, I was grateful for:

(1) Almost falling asleep during the meditation section in yoga today.

(2) I enjoyed the sunshine beaming down on me as I motored around in my Mini Cooper with the top down. You can't beat the weather in California, given that it is still winter. (Gee, I do appreciate my car a lot, since I've already mentioned it in another Gratefulness Journal.)

(3) I struck up a nice conversation with a stranger while studying at Coupa Caffe in Palo Alto. This stranger looked really familiar to me. Turns out he was a former coworker who I had attended kickboxing class with. He is at an even more dramatic cross road than I am. He is leaving his job of 7 years to go back to learn architecture.

(4) I had a very nice conversation with Hila on the phone. I was able to tell her honestly how sad I was to leave her behind.

(5) Sitting down at this small, French style creperie for the first time, I discovered that Bistro Maxine, in downtown Palo Alto has good french style lattes. They also serve Barefoot Coffee Roasters coffee, which is consdered to be some of the best in the bay area.

(6) Despite being much much older than the Stanford students surrounding me, I was able to blend in with the crowd quite well. Perhaps, I can consider myself to be one of the "hip" crowd.

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