Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Last Day at Work

All Four Female Engineers Together for the Last Time
(from Left: Marsha, Hila, Mina and Cherie)

On my last day at work, I made sure to make my rounds and say goodbye to everyone, and tell them honestly how much I appreciated everyone. Above, you can see all four female engineers together for the last time. Coincidentally, Hila's first day back from her long break corresponded to my last day! For the first and last time, all four women engineers would have their cubicles all in a row. I am really going to miss having such confident, intelligent and strong female company.

Dim sum at East Ocean Restaurant with some of the lunchtime Gang (From Left: Johnny, Daniel, Javier, Marsha, Mina, Kurt, Vin, Ahmad, Carolina, Kelvin, Georgie)

For lunch, we went to East Ocean Restaurant for some dimsum. Above were some of the original Friday lunch gang, minus some who had to attend meetings. The people at my company were some of the nicest people you could ever meet. It's what makes this company tolerable. I don't think most companies have such well-intentioned employees. I have never been back-stabbed, and for the most part, people are humble and team players. I hope that we can all keep track of one another and stay in touch.

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