Thursday, March 06, 2008

Kooza (3rd Day of Unemployment)

Wheel of Death

My friend had an extra ticket to see the latest Cirque du Soleil piece, Kooza this evening. This ticket was free, courtesy of her company. Because my friend's husband couldn't make it, and since I am currently between jobs, I filled in at the last minute.

For the lack of anything intelligent to say, I will just summarize and say that Kooza is: innovative, heart-pounding, stylish, and poignant, all at the same time. My friend thought that the set design was amazing. I don't think I noticed the set as much, as I was in fear that the circus performers would hurt themselves at every moment.

The circus acts were based on old-time circus acts: unicycles, high-wire, trapeze, juggling and clowning - but with innovative twists. By far and away my favorite was the "Wheel of Death" act (above). You know how you feel when you are in free fall, and your heart is in your throat? Well that's how I felt during the entire act. I was gasping with every whirl of the wheel, and at one point, even screamed out loud, "Be Careful!" at the acrobats. Basically, these hunky guys with spikey pants would jump, timing the trajectory of their landing with the trajectory of the wheel. It was physics in action. If the acrobats fell of the wheel, it was certain death...

Kooza was more than just a welcome distraction from my bill paying/wedding planning earlier in the day... it was a piece of art.

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