Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Second Day of Unemployment

Gothic Purple Toe Nails,
Traditional Scarlet Nails

Today was my second day of unemployment. After my 45 minute jog, I headed out to Coupa Cafe in Palo Alto to read (I am currently reading Bill Clinton's autobiography, "My Life"). Then I got a manicure/pedicure, which was decadently enjoyable. Finally, I discovered a cute little shop called Tea Time on Ramona street where I had a pot of "Melange Russe" tea. The interior of this place is tres chic. It was nice to enjoy the peace and quiet inside this tea lounge, unlike at Coupa Cafe, which is always crowded. It was here that I worked on my wedding invitations on my laptop.

Also, today I am attempting to bake a turkey for the first time. This turkey has been sitting in our freezer for 3 years! Mark wanted to throw it out, but I argued that it was vacuum packed and therefore could not get freezer burn. I brined the turkey because the brined turkeys I've tasted were the tastiest and most moist. Also, I'm making an interesting asparagus dish which I invented. It has sage, chopped up proscuitto and will have smoked mozarella on top. Mark just came back from his bicycle ride, and has already taken over the kitchen making homemade stuffing. We also opened up a bottle of Merlot which I bought on my birthday while bike riding in Sausalito.

So far, I'm really enjoying my time of unemployment. But I need to get productive some time soon...

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